Friday, March 16, 2007

Wedding Beauty Tip

When it comes to beauty tips for perspective brides there is much that can be said. Indeed an entire industry has grown out of that very thing. Some of it is helpful. Some of it is not. I'm not going to try to ferret through all of it right now. Instead I want to focus on one practical beauty area that every bride can make use of .

Let me introduce it by saying, "Your mother knew what she was talking about - and she was all washed up."

Yep. It's true. Your mother told you that you shouldn't squeeze your zits (pimples). She was right. As it turns out, the act of trying to pop one can actually make the situation worse.

  1. Keep your hands away from your face.
  2. Keep your hair away from areas that are prone toward acne.
  3. If you use makeup or lotions on your face be sure to use water based products. It is helpful to look for the words "non-comedogenic" on the label. Your pharmacist can also assist you.
  4. Wash your face regularly.

It's this last area where "mom was all washed up." Oh, maybe yours got it right, but many over the years haven't so I want to point it out here:

  • When you wash your face, don't scrub hard as so many of us have been instructed. Instead, wash with warm soap and water with only your fingertips to lightly move it around. I know that many of us don't feel like our face is really clean unless is is bright red after a good scrubbing, but it turns out that scrubbing like that can cause the same damage to your skin as squeezing your pimples. Which means it can have the same effect too. Yikes!

So as you work toward your wedding day get in the habit of using good skin hygiene so that the glow of your skin on your big day will be from your inner being and not from that zit in the middle of your cheek.

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