Monday, February 23, 2009

Reducing Wedding Planning Stress

During the course of planning a wedding we encounter many elements that we were not even certain existed before hand if we have never planned a wedding before. Usually those elements are in the details and they are rarely the same thing for each bride.

Usually they have to do with assumptions about the way the wedding industry does or should operate.

Whatever the particular stressor, the trick is to find a way to overcome the stress - separate from overcoming the problem! This is important. You might not always be able to get every element to go your way in your wedding planning, but you still have to find a way to get past the stress of each conflict.

The question is how? How do we deal with the stress of wedding planning when things don't go the way we hoped they would?

The answer is simple and profound. The man we know as Mark Anthony - the great Roman General and friend of Julius Caesar said, "The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts, therefore, guard accordingly; and take care that you entertain no notion unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature."

The writer of the biblical book of Philippians said something similar: " Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." Philippians 4:8 (New International Version)

Enjoying your wedding day is not about making certain that everything in her wedding plans goes just so - though we all hope that it will. Rather, a bride who takes the time to meditate on the good things in life will be able to relax and enjoy the celebration of her wedding a lot more than one who is focused on everything that has gone wrong.

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