Thursday, January 29, 2009

Wedding Dress Alterations

You've spent a lot on the wedding dress already so the temptation to put the brakes on the money train is understandable. But should you? Should you attempt to dye your wedding shoes by yourself? In truth even the most beautiful wedding dress can be ruined by an unskilled alteration.

The answer is simple. Unless you have a seamstress with a wonderful reputation for wedding dress alterations and tend to be a gambler, most people are better off using the alteration services of the bridal shop through which you purchased the gown. This is true despite the fact that bridal shops tend to be more expensive for their alteration work.


Because they carry the risk. That means that if their seamstress messes up the dress, they are responsible to fix the problem. Therefore, you can rest fairly comfortably that they will make certain the individual they employ / contract to do the work will actually know what they are doing!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I just stumbled upon your wedding blog and its a great read! Thanks! I am a bridal seamstress and I truely agree with you. I often get gowns in here where a "wanna be" a bridal seamstress went wrong with the gown and now I need to repair the damage as much as possible.
    And thats the first thing I tell my client. Because someone else damaged this gown already, I am not responsible for its outcome. However, I havent had a complaint yet!
    Looking forward to reading more of your blog ( which I'll post a link to on mine) and you can find me at
    God bless Diana
